
Jun 2020
Novel regulatory pathway in NASH identified
Vacca, M., Leslie, J., Virtue, S. et al. Bone morphogenetic protein 8B promotes the progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Nat Metab 2, 514–531 (2020).

Mar 2019
Recent efforts to elucidate the scientific validity of animal-based drug tests by the pharmaceutical industry, pro-testing lobby groups, and animal welfare organisations
Jarrod Bailey and Michael Balls

Mar 2019
Proteomic Quantification of Human Blood−Brain Barrier SLC and ABC Transporters in Healthy Individuals and Dementia Patients
Zubida M. Al-Majdoub, Hajar Al Feteisi, Brahim Achour, Stacey Warwood, Sibylle Neuhoff,
Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, and Jill Barber

Feb 2019
Quantification of Proteins Involved in Drug Metabolism and Disposition in the Human Liver Using Label-Free Global Proteomics
Narciso Couto, Zubida M. Al-Majdoub, Brahim Achour, Phillip C. Wright, Amin Rostami-Hodjegan and Jill Barber

Sep 2018
Identification and Quantification of Blood-Brain Barrier Transporters in Isolated Rat Brain Microvessels
Hajar Al Feteisi Zubida M. Al‐Majdoub Brahim Achour Narciso Couto Amin Rostami‐Hodjegan Jill Barber